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Windows 64Bit Differenze nell Applicare i Registri dei Programmi rispetto al 32Bit Guida, Wow6432Node i File .reg vanno modificati per essere applicati sul 64Bit (giochi)

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view post Posted on 27/9/2009, 18:31

Bisogna tenere in mente che la maggior parte delle applicazioni non sono ancora disponibili in formato 64-bit
e quindi vi troverete ad eseguire semplicemente applicazioni a 32-bit su un sistema operativo a 64-bit.
Questo funziona quasi sempre come previsto, a parte alcune eccezioni:

Il codice a 32-bit deve essere eseguito tramite il layer di traduzione WoW 64 (Windows on Windows)
e le DLL a 32-bit saranno localizzate in %­SystemRoot%\SysWOW64
e quelle a 64-bit in %­SystemRoot%\system32

Se siete abituati a modificare il registro di sistema, ricordate che
i software a 64-bit creano le chiavi di registro in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software
mentre i software a 32-bit le creano in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node

Alcune applicazioni potrebbero non funzionare correttamente, non noterete un grande miglioramento in performance.
Le applicazioni a 32-bit avranno ancora un accesso limitato alla memoria (2 GB per ciascun processo).

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@echo off
regedit /S chiave.reg

Can I run a 32-bit application on 64-bit Windows?

Yes, so long as the application does not try to load 32bit DLLs or drivers
these must be native 64bit versions.
This is "Windows On Windows" (WOW) 32bit code goes through an emulating DLL to allow it to run on 64bit Windows.
On 32bit Windows there was a similar feature for allowing 16bit apps to run.

Because of the DLL issue, some CD/DVD protection mechanisms fail to load and so games (typically)
can refuse to launch, reporting the disc was not found, or the protection mechanism failed the security check.

Note that there are certain system resources that are "virtualized" for 32bit processes running on a 64bit OS,
to prevent issues with conflicts between different platform versions of the same software.
This means requests through APIs for the following will get redirected to another location without their knowledge:

"Default Progam Files folder" => C:\Program Files (x86)
%­systemroot%\System32 => %­systemroot%\SysWOW64
HKCR => HKCR\Wow6432Node
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes => HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes => HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node

What this can mean on 64bit versions of Winodws is that 32bit processes which are hard-coded to read
specific paths instead of using APIs could have problems, and 32bit programs which are "registry cleaners"
may find the path "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node" while scanning, and virtualization makes API calls for this path
get remapped to "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Wow6432Node" which are false.
view post Posted on 28/9/2009, 17:44

Leggetevelo prima di dire "il gioco non mi funziona" Se usate il 64Bit molto probabilmente avete messo un registro strutturato per essere applicato su un 32Bit.. Modificatelo aggiungendo "Wow6432Node" Buona Fortuna :)
1 replies since 27/9/2009, 18:31   1279 views